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Who are we ?

Introducing Fransea Line Tech


At Fransea Line Tech, we inovate the conventional role of a consulting services company to become your committed partner in achieving business excellence.
At the core of our operations, we seamlessly integrate Islamic finance principles and uphold a self-sufficient policy with our collaborators. This way, the gratification and their professionnel senses will garantying the success on their project and client's complete satisfaction.
Our offer is appeling for both clients and future collaborators. Therefore we have created a community of potential consultants from various countries that are keen to join our core model and principle and the middle east.
To sum up, we bring senior-only, carefully chosen, ethicaly rewarded collaborators, our mission is to empower your business with the best consultancy services needed and ultimately leading to unparalleled satisfaction.
Experience the alternative consulting way of Fransea Line Tech and let's embark on a journey toward success, together.

Our Values

Business Excellence

At Fransea Line Tech, customer's satisfaction is our top priority. Business Excellence isn't only depending on the success of our project, but also by the quality of the dialogue between all parties. The meaningful change from the consultancy industry, is the self-sufficent policy, our ethic and good will. By harnessing the loyality, the flexibility and the dedication of our collaborators we can bring a quality of service like no other in our business operations.

Client-Centric Approach

As per any consulting service company our success is intrinsically linked to our clients's. Our client-centric approach places your unique needs, goals, and satisfaction with tailor made senior collaborator's services. Our offer is focused on always be aligned with client's expectations.
Furthermore, the quality of service of our experienced collaborators will go beyond the client's needs and bring the added value that Business Excellence requieres.

Ethical and Human

Fransea Line Tech aims to donate a part of their benefit on local organization, or fundation that aims for solidarity or enviroment actions. These donation can also be done under our client's name if their public relation's department are aligned with it. Furthermore, our commitment to our collaborators well-being extends beyond the workplace, touching every aspect of their lives. The self-sufficent policy also bring a strong bond between our collaborators where we often synch on our on-going and futurs projects and how can we thrives from it.

Our International Reach

As a company with a modest footprint, we are fueled by a relentless commitment to growth. We have already embarked on an international journey from Doha to the UK and France, driven by the belief that great things can emerge from humble beginnings. The community keeps growing from various fields and background, more and more profiles and potential collaborators have sent their profile due to our ethic values from various countries.


Statistical Science & Data

Nowadays, data became one of the most important factors of companies successes. Statistical science, machine learning, more globaly data science are the skills that are guiding your business decisions. We bring the power of data to provide you with valuable insights, predictive analytics, and data-driven strategies. This enables you to make informed choices, optimize processes and participate to the compagny's growth.

Change Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of the global marketplace, change is the only constant. At Fransea Line Tech, we are experts in managing change with precision and agility. Our tailored made change management strategies ensure that transitions are seamless, disruption is minimized, and your organization stays ahead of the curve. Our collaborators have ITIL and other Change certification that will help your company's advisory board to take the best decisions

Quality & Assurance

In an international business landscape, quality is non-negotiable. Fransea Line Tech takes pride in delivering top-notch quality assurance services. Our experts are able to assess, audit, and fine-tune quality operations to ensure that you not only meet but exceed Our experts are able to assess, audit, and fine-tune quality Q&A operations to ensure that you not only meet but exceed international standards, assuring customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance. From tools, automation, test management every Q&A services are handle by your dedicated experts.

AI & fine-tunning

AI is a tool that needs to be correctly set and used to be exploited at full capacity. Using a third party's api such as chatGPT's can expose you at risk since your data sensitive or not is sent, and the answer mostly would be too generic and unsatisfed. Fine-tunning your own model and exploitation makes your AI usage secure and efficent. By developping a pre-trained model and designing the training for your needs, we are garantying the cost, ressources and data security of your AI exploitations. At Fransea Line Tech, we start by presenting a POC that will take care of your specific business cases, then after validation we adapt to our client depending of the exploitation, the intellectual proprety of the model and more.

Business Intelligence

Improve business decision-making by making data easier to interpret and act on. Weather is Tableau, PowerBI or Cognos, our collaborators have all the hands on their data and the correct exploitation of it. Data focused, our colloborator are not only dashboard maker but also will help you integrate the best pratices on integration, analytics and visualization.

Other services

Our ethics and policies attracts various profiles, senior consultants overseas that are seeking to integrate Fransea Line Tech and/or set up a life in Doha. In order to make their project goes into the right direction, if an opportunity aligned with our business excellence vision, we could extend our offer. To sum up, if a limited exception our offer goes beyond IT oriented consulting company. Our ethic and quality of the service delivered would be the same regarderless.


Join us

Imagine a work-life balance based in the heart of breathtaking landscapes, a country renowned for its high quality of life & safety : Qatar. We are building a community of senior consultants who share a passion for excellence and the desire to make a significant impact on their life. This community watch and help eachother to find a suited professionnal opportunity to take the leap in Qatar.

How do we proceed ?

Send us your resume at and let's build your futur, together. We will help you to find the path of business excellence and making sure we find a suited opportunity. Apply now and be part of something exceptional!



D Ring Road, Al Mataar
Al Qadeem District
Doha, Qatar

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